At Adrian Brien Kia, we appreciate great value for money. So, when you book your Kia in for a service with us, you can be confident that the work is being performed by a factory-trained, authorised Kia service team, using genuine Kia parts. This ensures that your Kia maintains its optimum performance.
As an added bonus, enjoy a complimentary service after your first three months or 3,000 kilometres to ensure your Kia is running as it should.
To book your next service, use our simple form.
At Adrian Brien Kia, we appreciate great value for money. So, when you book your Kia in for a service with us, you can be confident that the work is being performed by a factory-trained, authorised Kia service team, using genuine Kia parts. This ensures that your Kia maintains its optimum performance.
As an added bonus, enjoy a complimentary service after your first three months or 3,000 kilometres to ensure your Kia is running as it should.
To book your next service, use our simple form.